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Sell Your Car in الخبر

Fast, Fair, and Hassle-Free
...all from the comfort of your home
تعرف أكثر على الرسوم والخدمة
* Once CarSwitch collects a non-refundable deposit from a qualified buyer to secure the sale of your car
Rated 4.8 out of 5

Manage your ads

Track and control your ads through the
Seller Center

How it works
Book a home / office visit

A CarSwitch Specialist will visit your location to certify & photograph the car, including a 360 spin shot, to list on CarSwitch (Ad valid for 5 months)

We find the right buyer for your car

Your dedicated call center agent will handle every call to get you the right buyer, answer all questions, filter seriousness, arrange test drives at your location & join you at every step

We’ll handle the transfer

Once you're happy with a deal , we will secure the payment, assist you with the paperwork and join you for the transfer to make sure its safe.
our success fees will be deducted from the car's selling price

أدرج سيارتك فورًا

قدم تفاصيل سيارتك مع أفضل الصور لإنشاء إعلانك. العملية بسيطة وسريعة وتمنحك التحكم الكامل في عملية البيع

جذب المشترين المهتمين

سيكون إعلانك مرئيًا لآلاف المشترين المحتملين. ستتعامل مع جميع الاستفسارات مباشرة للتفاوض على أفضل صفقة

أكمل البيع بطريقتك

قابل المشترين، حدد السعر النهائي، وقم بإدارة الأوراق بنفسك. سيلف سويتش يجعل من السهل عليك التواصل وإتمام الصفقة

Basic Inspection

Smooth Journeys

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الحمدلله تعاملت معاهم في بيع سيارتي تعامل راقي المستوي من الجميع وأخص بالشكر والعرفان الاخ بشير احمد الله يجزاه خير ع التوضيح والإرشاد ع طول وبكل رقي بارك الله فيهم والى المزيد من التميز????
Fatima alosimi
Fatima alosimi
صراحه جربت مع منصتهم تجربه بيع سيارة بس الي يميزهم صراحه تعامل الموظفين من اول شخص كلمني عشان تنسيق الوقت الي بيجون فيه الى المندوب الي حضر معي بيع السيارة وتنسيق وجهات النظر ماشاء الله عليه الاستاذ عبد العزيز ايمن انسان راقي وعارف يتعامل مع الاطراف جميعا انا انسان امل بسرعه لكن كل ما اقوله شي يقول ابشر ومالك الا الي يرضيك ولا رح يصير الا الي ودك صراحه باع لي السيارة وانا بس المطلوب مني اضغط موافقه لا اكثر ولا اقل الله يعطيه العافيه
Abdallh N
Abdallh N
تحيه خاصه للاستاذ احمد على أسلوبه وتعامله الراقي وصبره قليل ما نشاهد أشخاص مثله في حياتنا العمليه وشكرا الاخوه كار سوتش على موقعكم الذي بصدق وجدت فيه الثقه في التعامل مجهود فوق الرائع في بيع سيارتي شكرا من القلب
Mohammad Hizam
Mohammad Hizam
I had a great experience, selling my car with CarSwitch. The team made everything super easy for me, and Bashir handled the transaction very professionally; I especially commend his Arabic/English translations ????
Rona Marx
Rona Marx
بعت سيارتي من خلالهم بكل سهوله ويشكر الاخ عبدالعزيز على حرصه و تجاوبه ????????
Shaikha Alqahtani
Shaikha Alqahtani
I recently used the car selling service and was incredibly impressed with the level of professionalism and support provided. Fairs and Abdul Kareem went above and beyond to ensure the entire process was smooth, efficient, and hassle-free. Their dedication and expertise made selling my car an enjoyable experience. I highly recommend this service to anyone looking for a seamless and trustworthy way to sell their vehicle. Thank you, Fairs and Abdul Kareem, for the excellent service!
bilal haroon
bilal haroon
I sold my car through Carswitch, perfect services and professional attitude . All supporting teams are supportive and committed.
Mohamed Saad
Mohamed Saad
اشكر شركه كار سويتش على التعامل الراقي في مساله بيع سيارتي لقد تم بيع سيارتي بسرعه كبيره جدا بالاضافه الى الامان من ناحيه تامين مبلغ السياره لي وايضا امان من ناحيه نقل ملكيه السياره للمشتري بطريقه احترافيه جدا واشكر الاستاذ مروان على اتمام بيع سيارتي بطريقه احترافيه
Netro 1
Netro 1
شركة محترمة ونظام جيد ومريح لبيع السيارة
Shady El Gohary
Shady El Gohary
Basem is very professional and amazing perosn , he helped throughout the process and CarSwitch is very authentic and reliable for buying and selling cars, the only advise is to reduce the price on each car the amount which they are charging from both Buyer and Seller is considerably high in comparison to time and effort they are putting, and in actual their strength is dedicated professionals like Bassem.
مشكور الأخ عبد الكريم مساعدتك في البيع محترف جدا جدا في البيع الله يعطيك العافيه ماقصرت
محمود دمحمود
محمود دمحمود
يعطيهم العافيه ساعدوني في بيعيه وكانت سريعه ويعطيه العافيه عبدالعزيز ايمن سهلها علي كثير وساعدني كثير بختيار الافضل لي والاسهل شكرا لكم جميعا
fatmah 13
fatmah 13
تجربتي مع كادر كارسويتش كانت رائعه.. والان بدأت انصح الاصدقاء بالبيع والشراء عن طريق هذا الموقع والتطبيق الرائع.. شكرا لكم
Mohamed Ajoulin
Mohamed Ajoulin
تجربة جدا سهلة و تم بيع السيارة بكل بساطة شكرا كار سويتش شكرا أ / بإسم سامر على مجهودك
Wael Said
Wael Said
تجربتي كانت جدا ممتازه من ناحيه بيع السياره و تكفلهم بجميع النقاشات و التفاصيل مع المشتري تصوير السياره كان جدا جميل وممتاز المندوب الي يتواصل مع المشتري كان عبدالعزيز لولو افضل من تعاملت معه مخلص امين ثقه شااااكره لكم على الخدمه المميزه
I had great experience with Carswitch staff they made it supper easy to sell my cars in less than 48 hrs from the time of posting the car. They even took to next level when they offer to bring me back home ( Bahrain ) special Thanks goes to Basm for his help to drive me back home.
Nizar Elahrish
Nizar Elahrish
9/10 اشكر هالبرنامج جيد جدا لبيع السيارة الاخ احمد بشير شكرا لك ولكن ارجو ان تنتبه لقفل السيارة بعد تجربة الزبون للسيارة بعد التجربة و قبل اعطاء المفتاح لصاحب السيارة
Maha Alroata
Maha Alroata
Carswitch helps you sell your vehicle with the best price possible, they are fast and reliable. Very professional and knowledgeable staff during the selling process. Highly recommended to anyone thinking of selling their vehicle.
Feras AQA
Feras AQA
عبد العزيز البريكة شخص اكثر من رائع سريع الرد والاستجابة و متفاعل جدا مع البائع والمشتري كل الشكر والاحترام
Mohannad Alnobani
Mohannad Alnobani
أفضل موقع إذا حابب تشتري أو تبيع باي مكان في المملكة يتواصل معك المندوب ويعطيك التقرير والنصيحة ازعجتهم جزاهم الله خيرا.. اخص بالذكر الأخ باسم بالدمام والأخ بشير بالرياض يستاهلون الف نجمة

Why CarSwitch?

Your smoothest selling experience

Sold with absolute ease we promise!

Your expert advisors

From valuation to transfer we're with you at every step

Your trusted partner

Certified valuations, online payments. safe and secure

Rated 4.9 out of 5

In the news

"The Middle East`s 50 Most-Funded Startups..."

"UAE’s Fastest Growing Automotive Company..."

"Transform the car buying and selling experience..."

"Making car buying or selling as easy as flicking a switch..."

"Take the pain out of buying and selling used cars in UAE..."

"Outsmart your UAE car dealer with these winning tricks..."

Frequently Asked Questions

How Should I Sell My Car in Dubai and UAE?

Looking for an easy and hassle-free way to sell your car in Dubai and UAE? After all, the process of selling your used car in UAE can be complicated, lengthy, and challenging if you don’t get help from experts. CarSwitch can help you sell any car in Dubai and UAE. Keep the following factors in mind to get the best price for your used car.

  1. Finding the right buyer: Unless your full-time job is to sell a car, it can be challenging to find the right buyer quickly. You are likely to come across many non-serious buyers who are just window shopping without having any intentions to buy a car. It goes without saying that dealing with such buyers can be a massive waste of your time.
  2. Advertising: Finding the right channels to advertise your car can also be a challenge because there are several platforms and some of them might be more effective for targeting the buyers for your used car. If you use CarSwitch to sell a car online in Dubai and UAE, we can make the process easier and faster by lining up buyers through our social media channels as well as other sites.
  3. Setting the right price tag: Many people find it challenging to set the price for their car. If you underestimate the value of your car, you can end up selling your car for a lot less than what it’s actually worth. On the other hand, if you set it too high, you might not be able to find buyers. To make this less challenging for you, we have made our proprietary car valuator available for free.
  4. It’s a challenging process: From transferring the car at the RTA to using a seller’s agreement to protect yourself, you may have to go through many complicated steps when you sell any car. However, you don’t need to do all this on your own, as CarSwitch can guide you throughout the process.

Why use CarSwitch to sell any car in Dubai and UAE

Wondering "How will CarSwitch sell my car in Dubai and UAE?" You can relax while we take care of everything, including taking pictures of your car, helping you set the right price, and advertising it through multiple channels. We’ll line up buyers for you, negotiate on your behalf, and guide you to make sure all the paperwork is done correctly. CarSwitch will even manage the test drive at the location and time that’s most convenient for you. And if you’re pressed for time, we can also help you auction off your car within a day. It’s the best marketplace to sell car in Dubai and UAE.

You can leverage these features to sell your car:

Will CarSwitch offer price advice to help me sell my car in Dubai and UAE?

CarSwitch uses AI techniques to analyze thousands of real transactions to provide you with real time price guidance. Not only will this help you set the right price for your used car, but you’ll also be able to sell your car in Dubai and UAE as fast as you want. With our price guidance, you will have a better understanding of what a private car buyer is likely to offer for your vehicle as well as instant cash dealer deals.

Free online car valuator

The experts at CarSwitch have put their knowledge in a free car valuator that can be used online to immediately estimate a used car’s value. Using a proprietary algorithm, the car valuator helps you estimate a fair value for your vehicle.

Exciting seller badges

Are you wondering ‘how can I make my car listing more prominent when I sell my car in Dubai and UAE?’ You can use these free badges to do so:

- Price dropped: With this badge, you can let buyers know that the price of your used car has dropped.

- Negotiable: This one lets you inform car buyers that there’s room for negotiation. Just visit the seller portal to set the last price for your car and CarSwitch will take care of everything else.

- Urgent sale: If you want to sell your car quickly, then be sure to use the urgent sale badge. It gives you the option to set a countdown of days you have left to sell your car.

- Top condition: This badge provides you an easy way to tell buyers that you have kept your car well-maintained. If you receive a high inspection score from our inspection during the selling process, it will be activated automatically.

You get the best value and unmatched experience when you sell your car in Dubai and UAE through CarSwitch!

Contact Us
Anything on your mind? Just reach out!
Car Switch support team available 10am - 5pm Sunday to Saturday.
>CarSwitch DMCC, Unit 2204, Cluster O, Jumeriah Lake Towers
Basic Inspection
Money-back guarantee

في حال ان كارسويتش لم يجد مشتري لسيارتك خلال ٣٠ يوم من تاريخ الإعلان سنقوم برد رسوم الإعلان تلقائيا من خلال قناة الدفع الأصلية التي استعملتها لدفع الرسوم خلال ٣-٥ ايام عمل